Quick Luck Synthetic Urine Review: Unboxing and Using It to Pass a Drug Test

Daniel Miller
By Daniel Miller

Ph.D Pharmacology, Drug Testing Specialist

Updated: 2025 Mar 24

Quick Luck is a synthetic urine kit designed to help individuals pass a drug test. I’ll unbox it, review its pros and cons, and guide you through using it step by step.

What’s in the kit

I ordered this kit from the TestNegative website. It arrived the next day in a plain, discreet box, which was impressive.

The kit contains several items: a bottle of premixed synthetic urine, a flip-up spout cap, two heat pads, heating powder, and a set of instructions. I’ll discuss each component in detail.

clear choice quick luck synthetic urine box and contents

Synthetic urine

This urine is the result of over 16 years of lab research and is among the most advanced formulas on the market. It’s designed to pass visual, validity, and drug tests.

A recent advancement in technology can now detect synthetic urine, but Quick Luck passes even this new test. I personally verified it using Synthetic UrineCheck strips, which confirmed its authenticity.

quick luck synthetic urine bottle with temperature strip

The urine is already premixed, making it ready for use on short notice, ideal for random tests.

The kit includes enough for two tests and is suitable for both male and female users. Each bottle comes with a temperature strip, an essential tool as incorrect temperature is a common reason for test failure. I checked its accuracy with an infrared thermometer, and it proved reliable.

quick luck temperature strip accuracy test with infrared thermometer

Quick Luck has a shelf life of up to two years. You can freeze and reheat it multiple times without issue. This makes it a handy option for future tests.

In conclusion, Quick Luck provides a reliable and discreet solution for those needing to pass a drug test. Its components and the technology used make it a top choice for anyone in a pinch.

The flip-up spout cap

This cap is a fantastic feature. Imagine being in the drug testing bathroom, feeling nervous—everyone does. Normally, you’d have to unscrew the cap, pour the urine, and screw the cap back on. That’s quite a task when your hands are shaky.

flip up spout cap

I know people who’ve accidentally dropped and spilled their bottle in these moments. The flip-up spout cap simplifies everything.

You just flip it up with one finger, pour the urine, and flip it back down. It’s that easy. Plus, it’s spillproof, so no worries about accidents in your pocket or wherever you hide it.

Heat pads

These heat pads are designed specifically for synthetic urine. They produce just the right amount of heat to maintain the urine at the correct temperature for a drug test.

heat pad

While you could use regular hand warmers, those often reach about 130°F, which could ruin the urine by overheating it. The heat pads included with Quick Luck, however, are tailored to emit a steady 95-105°F, perfect for keeping the urine warm without overheating.

They can keep the urine warm for up to 10 hours. I’ve tested them, and they consistently stay warm for at least six hours.

Unlike hand warmers, these pads have an adhesive side, making it easy to attach them directly to the bottle without needing a rubber band.

Heating powder

This special powder heats up liquid once it’s added. It’s perfect for when you need to quickly bring urine up to body temperature.

quick luck heating powder

Simply add half of the powder to the urine bottle and gently shake it. In about 10-15 seconds, it warms up. This is excellent for a quick pre-heat, and then you can maintain the temperature with the heat pads.


The heat activator powder in the Quick Luck kit isn’t the easiest to use. I don’t recommend using it in the drug testing bathroom as a replacement for heat pads. It requires precise measurement to avoid overheating the urine, which can be challenging.

In the stressful environment of a drug testing bathroom, it’s too difficult to use and easy to mess up.

Another downside is the price. At $110, it’s not inexpensive. However, for this price, you receive enough urine and heating options for two uses. When you compare this to cheaper options that only offer enough for one use, the cost is comparable.

It’s also worth noting that Quick Luck passes the latest lab validity checks, which means labs can’t detect that this urine is synthetic. Cheaper synthetic urines might fail these tests, making them risky to use.

Lastly, you still need to figure out how to discreetly bring it into the drug testing facility. You can hide it in your groin area, tape it to your leg, or use a stash leg belt, but keep in mind, the leg belt would be an extra expense.

How to use Quick Luck to pass a drug test

Do not break the safety seal on the Quick Luck bottle until the day of your drug test, as breaking the seal too early can cause bacteria to grow, just like in real urine. On the day you need it, switch the original cap with the provided spout cap, which mimics the flow of urine more realistically when poured.

The urine should be warmed to between 94°F and 100°F. Start by using a heating pad, and if necessary, top it off with heat activator powder for extra warmth.

If you’re pressed for time, you can quickly heat the urine using the heat activator powder. Open the vial, add about one-third of the powder to the urine bottle, and shake gently. Check the temperature strip. If it’s not warm enough, add a bit more powder and shake again.

Once the temperature is in the right range (see image below), prepare the heat pad by opening it to let air activate it. Remove the protective paper, and use the adhesive side to attach the heat pad to the bottle, placing it on the side opposite the temperature strip.

urine with synthetic urine and heat pad attached

Next, find a discreet place on your body to store the urine bottle. It could be the crotch area or bra. For added convenience and discretion, consider using stash leg belt or stash boxers.

Remember, you should not put the bottle in your pocket as you will be asked to empty your pockets before the test.

When you’re in the drug testing bathroom, stay calm. Take out the bottle, check the temperature again, open the flip-up spout cap, and pour about half of the urine into the drug testing cup.

temperature strip on urine bottle

Close the cap and hide the bottle again.

Hand the drug testing cup to the collector as quickly as possible.

You’re all set now 🙂

Next, I will compare Quick Luck with other popular synthetic urines, so you can consider alternative options.

Quick Luck vs Sub Solution

sub solution vs quick luck

The urine in Sub Solution is the same as in Quick Luck but in powder form. This means you need clean water and some time to prepare it. Personally, I find pre-mixed urine more convenient. However, powdered urine is easier to store long-term, while pre-mixed urine must be refrigerated after opening.

Sub Solution only includes heat activator powder, which I find puzzling.

I’ve mentioned before that heat activator powder is difficult to use in a drug testing bathroom. It’s really only good for quickly preheating the urine.

This is fine if you plan to store the urine bottle in a place like the crotch area, where body heat keeps it warm. The bottle also has a temperature strip, which helps you ensure the urine is at the right temperature for a drug test.

Sub Solution costs $95, which is less than Quick Luck. However, it lacks heating pads, which I think is a drawback. If you’re asking for my recommendation,

I’d suggest Quick Luck. But if you’re comfortable using the heat activator powder and can maintain the urine temperature with body heat, Sub Solution could save you some money.

Quick Luck vs Quick Fix

quick fix synthetic urine box and contents

Quick Fix is a more budget-friendly option. It costs just $40 for a small 3 oz size, which provides enough urine for two uses.

Quick Luck, on the other hand, costs $110. Quick Fix offers a basic formula that includes urea, uric acid, and the right proportion of creatinine.

It’s balanced for pH and specific gravity and looks like urine. It’s good enough, provided it passes the screening. However, I’m not sure if it will pass the lab’s validity check. You get one heating pad with Quick Fix for maintaining the temperature.

With Quick Luck, you receive a premium formula that definitely passes validity tests. Think about whether you want to take the risk with a less reliable option.

The price for Quick Fix is attractive. If it’s the only option available, or if you need something locally, it’s the best you’ll find. However, compared to Quick Luck, if you can afford it, there really is only one choice you should be considering.


Quick Luck is an excellent choice for passing a urine drug test. It comes with high-quality synthetic urine and reliable heating options, making it easy to use, even under the stress of a drug testing environment.

It’s not inexpensive, but it has passed the latest lab synthetic urine checks, so you can feel confident during your drug test.

If you need an all-inclusive solution that includes a discreet way to carry urine to the drug test, consider the Incognito Belt.

If you’re comfortable hiding the bottle in the crotch area or if you already have a method to discreetly transport the urine, then Quick Luck is definitely worth considering.


Where to buy Quick Luck synthetic urine?

You can buy Quick Luck synthetic urine from the TestNegative website, the official seller. Ordering from them ensures you receive the product quickly and in a discreet packaging, which is essential for privacy.

How long does Quick Luck last?

Quick Luck has a shelf life of up to two years. It can be frozen and reheated multiple times without losing effectiveness. This makes it a convenient option to keep on hand for future tests.

How to use Quick Luck?

To use Quick Luck, do not break the safety seal until the day of your drug test to prevent bacteria growth. On the test day, warm the urine between 94°F and 100°F using the included heating pad. If needed, use the heat activator powder for quick heating. Shake gently after adding the powder to mix well. Attach the heat pad to the bottle, hide the bottle discreetly on your body, and use the flip-up spout cap to pour into the testing cup during the test.