Ultimate Gold Synthetic Urine Unboxing and Review

Daniel Miller
By Daniel Miller

Ph.D Pharmacology, Drug Testing Specialist

Updated: 2025 Mar 24

Ultimate Gold Synthetic Urine is premixed fake urine that helps you pass drug tests.

I’ll unbox the kit, discuss its advantages and disadvantages, and show you how to use it to pass a drug test.

ultimate gold synthetic urine contents

  • Flip-up spout cap – easy to use
  • Enough urine for 2 uses
  • Affordable price
  • Regular quality urine may be detected by the lab
  • Lacks a stealth sneaking method
  • Regular heat pad can overheat the urine and cause skin burns
  • Only one heat pad but urine for 2 uses

What’s in the Ultimate Gold Synthetic Urine Kit

Let’s unbox it and see what’s included in  kit.


ultimate gold synthetic urine bottle

The urine quality here is regular, which is okay if it won’t be tested with special tests like UrineCheck 7 that detect synthetic urine. As I mentioned in my review of best synthetic urines, low-quality cheap urines can be detected by special tests, so I recommend avoiding them.

The color of the urine is normal, though I find it rather pale. This urine is suitable for both males and females.

It’s the same urine as in the X-Stream Synthetic Urine kit since the manufacturer is the same for both the urine and heat pads.

For the drug test, you’ll need 1-1.5 oz of urine. The kit contains 3 oz, so it’s enough for 2 tests. The shelf life of the urine is 2 years.

However, if you decide to use it twice, you need to freeze the remaining urine after opening the bottle. This is because bacteria will start to grow, which will spoil the urine.


The bottle is flat, so you can put it in your pants. Some are sold in round bottles, which are less convenient.

I prefer other methods to hide fake urine because putting the bottle in your pants makes it hard to walk and use.

To hide this bottle easily, you need a stealth leg belt or another sneaky method.

The bottle has a temperature strip attached. This lets you check the urine temperature before submitting the sample.

Some temperature strips show the wrong temperature, which can cause a failed drug test. So, I always check with a digital thermometer to be sure.

As you can see in the photo, the temperature of the urine is 97.8°F, and the temperature strip shows 98°F, so the temp strip is working correctly and can be relied upon.

ultimate gold synthetic urine temperature strip check


The kit has a flip-up spout cap, which is great. In the drug test room, most people are nervous, so unscrewing and screwing back the cap can be hard. It’s easy to spill the urine.

With a flip-up spout cap, it’s easy because you can do it with one finger. The cap is tough to open, so it won’t accidentally spill under your clothes.

Heating Methods

Here we have some cons. This kit includes a heating pad as a heating method. Heating pads are the most common way to keep the urine warm for a drug test. This kit includes only one heating pad, but there’s urine for up to two uses, which is strange.

ultimate gold heat pad both sides

So, you can use this kit only once. If you want to use it twice, you need to get extra heat pads.

Next, this pad is a regular heat pad used for warming hands or feet in cold environments. It can produce temperatures up to 165°F, which is too much and can overheat the urine. Imagine you’re in the drug testing room, you take out the urine bottle, and it’s overheated.

Temporary overheating won’t ruin the urine, but you need a way to cool it down. You have only four minutes to submit the sample, so that can be a problem you don’t want to have.

Also, 165°F is too hot for the skin and can cause burns. If you hide the urine bottle with the attached heat pad in your pants, you don’t want to feel extra heat there and get skin burns.

The good thing about this heat pad is that it has an adhesive side, so you can easily stick it to the bottle. You don’t need rubber bands to do that.

This heat pad can keep warmth for up to eight hours according to the description on it. I’d count on six hours to be safe.

It takes about an hour to warm the urine to 100°F. If you need to warm it quickly, you should microwave it.

The Incognito Belt
the incognito belt
  • Synthetic urine identical to human urine.
  • Discreet and undetectable urine bag.
  • Reliable heating option.
  • All-in-one solution.
Quick Luck
quick luck premium urine
  • Synthetic urine identical to human urine.
  • Reliable heating option.
  • Bestseller.

How to use

The kit comes with instructions printed on the box. Here’s how to use it:

  • Remove the top of the bottle.
  • Heat the urine bottle in the microwave for 10 seconds.
  • Check the temperature strip. It should read between 90-100°F.
  • If the temperature is not in range, repeat the heating process.
  • If the bottle feels warm but no reading appears, the urine is overheated and needs to cool down.
  • Put on the flip-up spout cap.
  • Open the heating pad.
  • Attach the self-adhesive heating pad to the bottle, opposite the temperature strip.
  • Hide the bottle, avoiding skin contact with the heating pad to prevent burns.
  • In the drug testing room, take out the bottle, open the flip-up spout cap, and pour at least 1 oz of urine into the sample cup.


This is a basic synthetic urine kit that can be used one time. It’s cheap, so if you need to pass an unimportant drug test that won’t check for synthetic urine, you can give it a try.

However, if the outcome of the drug test is important, like for a life-changing job, I recommend using more reliable options.